Thursday, April 28, 2011

What are friends for?

For me, friends are those that will always be by your side no matter what happens to you. They see the flaws of urs and still wants to stay by ur side. They cares for you when you are sad and having a very very weak moment. Staying by ur side, cheering for you and lend you their shoulder to cry on and pat ur head or cries along with you. Comforting and loving you. Helps you when you are in trouble. Finds each other for nothing. Talks about everything and no boundaries.

Everytime when it comes to best friend issues I will cry easily. I am a person that hungers for love and yet, I hunger for friendship more. I treasure friendship more. Family is on my top list and friendship is the 2nd top.

I've been in some friendships but everything always turns out bad. They can't last long. Well consider I don't really being careful in making friends. So I end up getting hurt so damn bad. Till now, this issue comes again. And it is breaking me apart.

Every friendship I knew and saw, I will cry like a big baby. Especially Kokei Teppei with his best friend, Eiji. Their story I always cries. I can see pure friendships for the 1st time in my life and I needed one. I thought I had one but it was ruin. And now happens again. Its really tiring.

I really don't understand what's the best for a friend of mine, Stanley who loves to bad mouth his only best buddy, Alan. His buddy is always being there for him, help him , save him and talks and everything that a best bud would do. But this Stanley was being a loser and a cheapskate. Ok you're stingy I don't care, it's in your character already which your family brought you up as but I don think they will teach you to back stab and create fake stories and rumours bout the people that cares and loved you.

And yes, he done it all. What I hate about guys,

-take advantage ( not psychically but on mentally and the greens you have)
-story creator
-spread rumours like a 8 por
-rude and disrespectful
-unreasonable and stupid.

And YES, he has this all. Well no offend to other guys out there but really. Girls really hate to have such guys around. Well maybe some girls love coward guys and I am still ok with this. But this friend of mine he uses his cowardness to cheat on us all so that he can take advantage on us all and this is what I fucking hate it so fucking damn much.

Look Stanley, I respect you before and loved you as a buddy but you fucking ruin everything. So yeah, no goodbyes to you fucker. I am done as a friend to you and I am done being used by you. I don't mind losing a friend like you cause I fucking KNOW what kind of FRIENDS I need in my fucking life. And yeah I know what you'd done behind me. Well FUCK YOU.

Eventhough the whole world turn againts me and I am friendless, I still will not have someone like you in my life. I rather being alone than having someone like you to ruin my life.

My last advice to you Stanley. Today and now whether you can read my post or not, if you still don't stop on what you are doing right now in the future, don't you regret for everything. I believe in karma and I believe this karma will fall either on you or your next generations.

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